Zeichen der Zeit Signs of the times
An exhibition curated and organised by Gudrun Heinz
Art was and is always dealing with political or social themes and textile art puts also a focus on this subject. To arouse intense interest, to set a significant signal, to break a taboo, to evoke memories, to express own experiences – works of textile artists have been on display within important exhibitions lately held both nationally as well as internationally and reflect “signs of the times”.
Photo credits: Gudrun Heinz, Wolf Fotografie AG (right)
Interpretations of those subjects are arousing special emotional reactions. I myself have created a work, an appliqué quilt about Alzheimer’s disease, which became an award-winning quilt when participating in 2009 in the international competition “Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow”.
This quilt affected quite a lot of visitors directly and because of these strong emotions many of the viewers told me, how important they found the attention focused on the subject.
Photo credits: Peter Braatz, Renate Dehrberg (right)
As the opportunity presented itself I began to initiate an exhibition. In collaboration with Dr Elke Heege, head of Einbeck Museum, I invited a number of European textile artists to contribute with some of their works to this project.
Photo credits: Gudrun Heinz, Elsbeth Nusser-Lampe (right)
Names like Gabi Mett from Germany, Mirjam Pet-Jacobs from The Netherlands, Barbara Blattl from Austria, Judith Mundwiler from Switzerland, Elsbeth Nusser-Lampe from Germany, Vera Sherbakova from Russia, Pascale Goldenberg from Germany, Aina Muze from Latvia, Rosmarie Artmann-Graf from Switzerland or Greti Raffeiner from Austria, to name but a few of them, promise top quality art, most creative and rarely, even never seen interpretations as well as excellent craftsmanship.
*** "Zeichen der Zeit / Signs of the times" press review:
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*** Patchworktage in Einbeck, 16 - 20 May 2012:
Take a look at StadtMuseum, where "Präludium für das Morgen" by Barbara Blattl (Austria) greets the visitors at the entrance hall and put them in the right mood.
Some impressions of the vernissage:
Ulrich Minkner, the mayor of Einbeck, who was greatly impressed by the wide range of the themes and the seriousness of the works, gave the artists who attended the vernissage as well as the exhibition a warm welcome in Einbeck.
“Zeichen der Zeit / Signs of the times” expresses thrilling artistic statements, not at all sombre, but varied and open.
Review in "Einbecker Morgenpost"
Note: Linked to German speaking pages. Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
More about Patchworktage: My photo reportage on BERNINA blog part 1 part 2
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Photography: Dr Wolfgang and Gudrun Heinz Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
*** 18th European Patchwork Meeting in Ste Marie-aux-Mines (France), 13 - 16 September 2012:
Some impressions of the exhibition in Ste Croix-aux-Mines, Espace exposition:
Take a look at the vitrine: "Slow down 2010" by Ursula Gerber Senger (Switzerland)
During the guided tour: Isabelle Wiessler (Germany) translating into French and talking about her work "Die Kehrseite der Medaille"
Elsbeth Nusser-Lampe (Germany), Vera Sherbakova (Russia) and Elina Lusis-Grinberga (Latvia) visiting the exhibititon.
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Detailed article on BERNINA blog Note: Linked to German speaking pages. Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
Photography: Dr Wolfgang and Gudrun Heinz Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
„Viele deutsche Ausstellungen waren zu sehen, alle durchweg auf hohem Niveau. Eine besondere Ausstellung (ist) ‚Zeichen der Zeit …’.“ ("Many German exhibitions have been on show, all of them on a high level. An outstanding one (is) ‚Zeichen der Zeit …’.“)
(By courtesy of Astrid Reck, BERGTOR VERLAG GmbH, Gruenstadt. Many thanks!)
Click on image to see larger version.
„Ein Einblick in eine Ausstellung, die Emotionen zeigte und hervorrief … niemand bleibt wohl diesem Thema gegenüber unempfindlich.“ ("An insight into an exhibition that showed and aroused emotions ... probably nobody remains insensitive.")
(By courtesy of Astrid Franchet, DIPA BURDA S.A.S., Strasbourg. Many thanks!)
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magicPatch No. 101 (Novembre / Décembre 2012): „ … une rétrospective de l’artiste allemande Gudrun Heinz permettait de voir comment l’art textile peut aussi servir des sujets politiques ou des problèmes de société ...“ (Gül Laporte)
(magicPatch, Les Editions de Saxe, Chaponost, France)
(quiltmania, Saint-Etienne de Montluc, France)
Take a look at the clipping of the book review.
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Revue de l' Association France Patchwork
"Engagement et Art: le sous-titre de l'exposition exprime bien ce que Gudrun Heinz voulait pouvoir montrer quand elle a demandé à trente artistes de renom une oeuvre évoquant le thème du temps ... les artistes ne se contentent pas de produire des oeuvres décoratives mais se penchent sur les problèmes de notre temps ... tous ces thèmes ont été abordés avec des sensibilités et des techniques très differentes."
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About the exhibition - read Prague Patchwork Meeting Newsletter December 2012
7th Prague Patchwork Meeting, 5 - 7 April 2013:
Here are some impressions of the gallery in Prague (CZ):
Click on image to see larger version.
Reviews on BERNINA blog Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Note: Linked to BERNINA blog (German speaking).
Photography: Dr Wolfgang und Gudrun Heinz Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
Preview: Exhibition at Duchfabrik Esch-Sauer (Luxembourg), 1 June – 29 September 2013:
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Zeichen der Zeit, Duchfabrik Esch-Sauer, 9650 Esch-sur-Sûre (Luxembourg), 1 June – 29 September 2013
Click on image to see larger version.
Photography: Dr Wolfgang und Gudrun Heinz Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.
Note: Linked to BERNINA blog (German speaking).
*** On show at Textilsammlung Max Berk, Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen (Germany), 29 June - 31 August 2014
Preview and Vernissage Note: Both linked to BERNINA blog (German speaking).
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Here are some photos of the vernissage at Textilsammlung Max Berk, Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen (Germany), on 28 June 2014:
Photography: Dr Wolfgang Heinz by courtesy of the museum
On show at Textil- und Rennsportmuseum TRM in Hohenstein-Ernstthal (Germany), 6 September - 8 November 2014:
Preview on BERNINA blog Review on BERNINA blog Note: Linked to BERNINA blog (German speaking).
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new! Exhibition in Ev. Stadtkirche, Karlsruhe (Germany), 2 August - 13 September 2015:
Note: Linked to BERNINA blog (German speaking).
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Catalogue All exhibits, all artists' comments, trilingual (German/English/French), 84 pages, size A4, plus CD-ROM with details. Price: 25 EUR plus shipping and handling. If interested, send an e-mail (info[at]quiltsundmehr.de), please.
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